
Doctrine and Covenants 88:62-63
And again, verily I say unto you, my friends, I leave these sayings with you to ponder in your hearts, with this commandment which I give unto you, that ye shall call upon me while I am near --Draw near unto me and I will draw near unto you; seek me diligently and ye shall find me; ask, and ye shall receive; knock, and it shall be opened unto you.

Compassionate Service

Relief Society Meeting Compassionate Service Specialist - June Burrows 801-374-6155

“We . . . have the opportunity to assist the Lord by providing relief for others, which is the greatest, fastest solution to loneliness and hopelessness and a sure way to obtain the companionship of the Spirit. . . . Every sister—married or single, young or old—is needed in this relief effort” (Julie B. Beck, “What Latter-day Saint Women Do Best: Stand Strong and Immovable,” Ensign and Liahona, Nov. 2007, 111).

Friday, October 26, 2013

Just a reminder about Mary Brady's funeral at 11:00 at the Provost chapel.  And thank you to all who are bringing food.  There will be many at the luncheon, so we appreciate your help.  If you haven't signed up to bring food and would like to, please bring a salad.  Food should be at the church by 11:00

Also, another reminder that there are many new sisters in our ward.  Please extend a hand and a smile and introduce yourself to someone new (or someone not so new!) at church.  We all like being welcomed!  And we are so glad to have so many new and less-new sisters!