"Reading, Writing, and 'Rithmetic"
Come join us this Thursday, September 19, at 6:30 p.m. for an adult level "Back to School" night! We will have Sis. Stoddard sharing books with us, Sis. Wilson sharing great personal and family writing ideas, and some fun arithmetic with food! This will be a fun sharing of life-long learning strategies. Please invite your visiting teaching sisters, too! See you Thursday!
The July RS Meeting last week was great. Thanks to all who participated!
Our August RS Meeting is our Summer Social. Join us on Thursday, August 15, at 6:30 p.m. for a cool luau (all the benefits of a luau, without the heat of the summer sun!). We will have our luau in the air-conditioned cultural hall, with great food and fun! Please plan to join us. Aloha!
Relief Society Meetings 2013
Relief Society Meeting Counselor - Davilyn Ferrin 801-371-9323
Relief Society Meeting Coordinator - Sheryl Van Orman 801-374-5899
Relief Society Meeting Children's Class Leader - JanEtta Price 801-373-7344
Relief Society Meetings are held on the 3rd Thursday of every month.
May Relief Society Meeting: QUARTERLY MEETING!!
This Thursday, May 16, at 6:30 p.m., we will be meeting in the Cultural Hall to have a big service project. We will be making a variety of items that are needed in local hospitals and in other parts of the world. PLEASE come and help us. We want to be able to serve as many needs as possible. AND . . . it will be fun! Even if you don't feel up to sewing or crafting or coloring, we would love to have you visit with us. Plus, there will be treats! See you Thursday night, 6:30!